Please join us for the opening reception of UMOCA’s new exhibition In Memory, featuring Modern West artists Rebecca Campbell and Angela Ellsworth. Friday, July 12 from 6-9 PM.

In Memory offers an in-depth and layered meditation on the many angles of what it means to remember and includes the work of 21 artists using a variety of mediums. The stories we tell ourselves about the past, shape who we are on every level, powerfully existing in both mind and body. A small breeze, a smell, an old snapshot, a few notes of a sound can vividly and inexplicably transport the mind from the present to a compelling and fully reconstructed past world. From the artifact to the archive, these archeological objects are meaning-ladened visual clues that stand in for a vast panorama of lives lived.

Friday, July 12, 2024
6:00 pm-9:00 pm MST

Utah Museum of
Contemporary Art
20 S. West Temple
Salt Lake City UT 84101